I'm looking for more ember.js projects to learn from. If you know any, please provide in the format of: running site and source code

Note that both components should be provided, because there are too many example source code tutorials that I can't get to run. So they don't even have to be examples, tutorials, or have explanations, simply a running website with its source code would be good enough to learn from.

I am especially interested in stand-alone ember.js projects, without interactions with Ruby and others. Pure Ember.js running example websites with code.

Answers Compiled: Stand-alone ember.js open source projects:

  • 5
    One of the biggest open source project made with ember.js is discourse.org May 28, 2013 at 23:47
  • I'd suggest the best way to learn is start building something of your own, I know it will consume lot of time compared to looking one of the readymade projects and learning, but it's worth it ! May 29, 2013 at 6:45

2 Answers 2


Check out: http://emberwatch.com/#examples

Not only do they have great examples there but also a collection of tutorials and screencasts


Checkout out this:


And the running fully functional website :


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