I have a doubt with Mockito. I would want to test this simple class:

public class MyClass{
    private UserService userService;
    public void deleteUser(){

I wrote this simple test:

    public class MyClassTest {
       private UserService userService;

        public void test(){
           MyClass  myClass=new MyClass();

This test run with no errors. I await that it didn't compile because there isn't any call to userService method..

  • \@MockitoAnnotations.Mock is deprecated, just use \@Mock Jun 1, 2013 at 14:53
  • Anyone know how to escape @ signs in comments so SO doesn't think I'm directing my comment to someone? Jun 1, 2013 at 14:54
  • @TomMcIntyre If you use backticks around a word or expression, it will be inlined and formatted, e.g. @Mock, see the help link when writing a comment.
    – matsev
    Jun 1, 2013 at 15:34
  • What would the purpose of such a test be? What are you hoping to verify? Jun 2, 2013 at 5:27

3 Answers 3


Mocks created by Mockito are "smart". They don't do anything when a void method is called. They return null when a method returning an object is called. They return an empty collection when a method returning a collection is called.

If you want to verify that getAdminUser() and deleteUser() have been called, use Mockito.verify().

These two things are explained in the Mockito documentation, points 1 and 2. In particular:

By default, for all methods that return value, mock returns null, an empty collection or appropriate primitive/primitive wrapper value (e.g: 0, false, ... for int/Integer, boolean/Boolean, ...).


you have not added any check to see if userService is used in any way. Adding a verify will do that for you: When to use Mockito.verify()?

I would advice you to read up on how Mockito works in tests, I think you have jumped past some of the fundamentals when it comes to learning the design and how method calls to the mock is treated.


Here is how you would test it with a different set of methods which invokes no annotations. Note that this is TestNG, but adapting it to JUnit 4+ is easy:

import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public final class Test
    private UserService userService;

    public void init()
        userService = mock(UserService.class);

         final MyClass  myClass = new MyClass();
         myClass.userService = userService;
         verify(userService, times(1)).getAdminUser(1);
         verify(userService, times(1)).deleteUser(0);

Note that there is a one-argument only verify() variant, which is exactly equivalent to having times(1) as the second argument. There is also never().

If for instance you wanted to test that the .deleteUser() method was not called with any argument, you'd do:

verify(userService, never()).deleteUser(anyInt());

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