I am trying to Preform a Maven Release using Jenkins. But I am having some issues. This is my first time doing a Maven Release. Jenkins pulls down my code from the Git repository and changes all the pom files to the correct Version. I can see this my examining the Jenkins workspace. however it does not seem to be pushing the changes back up to the Git repo with the version changed. Git uses a code review tool call Gerrit that I should have to approve once it preforms the mvn release.

I have set SCM in my main POM <scm><developerConnection>scm:git:ssh://<user>@<IP_Address>:<Port>/<Repo_Name>.git</developerConnection></scm>

I am getting a error

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.0:prepare (default-cli) on project <Name>: An error is occurred in the checkin process: Exception while executing SCM command. cause : An error is occurred in the checkin process: Exception while executing SCM command. Stack trace : .....

Any ideas?

  • Have you something more detailed to show ? You can create a Gist or pastebin to give us more context. Jun 3, 2013 at 14:51
  • does this help pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Hr4meuUk Jun 3, 2013 at 15:12
  • Do you still have the same problem? I have the same problem and I would like to know how to fix Feb 25, 2014 at 15:07

1 Answer 1


Thanks for the pastebin.

The error Caused by: org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException: Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref can often be tricked by setting Checkout/merge to local branch (optional) to master (if you're releasing master) in section Advanced... of Git parameter.

  • How do I tell it to create a new branch and push up to Gerrit and the Git repo? Jun 3, 2013 at 15:35
  • Maven release:prepare and release:perform will only modify the branch you're currently releasing. If you want to create a new branch, you may add a build step Execute shell with few git commands (git checkout -b new-branch old-branch; git push gerrit new-branch;...) Jun 3, 2013 at 19:55

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