Java Maven Spring Junit with webapplication

I am using following code to load property file into spring context placer holder.

<context:property-placeholder location="file:${RESOURCE_PATH}/jdbc.properties" />

in eclipse Junit run time configuration i have defined "RESOURCE_PATH" so it runs fine when i execute my junit tests from GUI but when i run from maven they fail.

Can we define variable and pass in pom file at run time ?

1 Answer 1


You should either supply the property RESOURCE_PATH using -D switch when running maven or put it into pom.xml into section <properties>; something like this:

    <RESOURCE_PATH>put your path here</RESOURCE_PATH>
  • 1
    i want it to available only for test cases
    – d-man
    Jun 10, 2013 at 20:39

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