I want to convert a decimal number to an int without rounding it, for example: if the number is 3.9 it will be turned into 3 (if it would have been rounded it would be 4).


5 Answers 5


You generally don't need to do anything special, as by default a cast from float/double to an integer type results in truncation:

float f = 3.9f;
int i = (int)f; // i = 3
  • It's incorrect. For example, if you have float a = 1.2f and use loop to sum up a for 100 times, you'll get a float 119.99. Then you cast it in that way, and you'll get 119, not 120
    – Eric
    Nov 18, 2020 at 10:33
  • @Eric: I think you're missing the point of the question - the OP requires truncation, so 119.99 should give 119.
    – Paul R
    Nov 18, 2020 at 11:54

It depends on how you want the negative values be treated. Typecasting to int would just truncate in that way that the part left of the decimal point will remain. -3.9f would turn into -3. Using floor before casting would ensure that it results in -4. (all within the variable type boundaries of course)


you can do like this bellow :-

float myFloat = 3.9;

    int result1 = (int)ceilf(myFloat );

    int result2 = (int)roundf(myFloat );

    int result3 = (int)floor(myFloat);

int result4 = (int) (myFloat);


OUTPUT IS 4 4 3 3

  • 1
    It is just that he does not want 4 as the output. He seeks for 3. Jun 12, 2013 at 9:09
  • Looks better. Do the same for -3.9 in case he has to consider negative values too and he's got a good choice. Jun 12, 2013 at 9:34

Just cast the float to an int and it will truncate your result.


You can simple typecast to int


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