Can some one please explain how sequence of exceptional handling is taking place in below code? How did it evaluate to

"~B() called Handler of function try block of D()Exception in D"

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class E {
    const char* error;
    E(const char* arg): error(arg) {}

class B {
    B() {};
    ~B(){cout<<"~B() called"<<endl;}

class D: public B {
    ~D() { cout<<"~D() called"<<endl; }

D::D() try :B(){
    throw E("Exception in D");
} catch(E&e)
    cout<<"Handler of function try block of D()"<<e.error<<endl;

int main()
    try {
        D val;
    }catch(...) {}
  • Explain what about it? Jun 12, 2013 at 17:31

3 Answers 3


When you construct an object of a class which derives from another class, the base class's constructor is invoked (explicitly or implicitly) before the derived constructor body. You are throwing an exception in D's constructor body. B has already been constructed at this point. When the exception propagates out, B's destructor is called to destroy the partially-constructed object.

The second behavior of note is the rethrown exception. A function try block on a constructor always rethrows the exception. It is not possible to ignore an exception. If it were, your object would be left with B having been destroyed already. See GotW #66 for a more in-depth discussion.


B get's created for the Try block in the constructor of D. The throw statement ends the execution of the try block causing B to be removed by the destructor:

~B() called

There should actually be a newline here (are you not getting that or did you omit it?). Then the thrown object E enters the catch block where it is output to the screen:

Handler of function try block of D()Exception in D

Is that what you are looking for?


When a constructor throws an uncaught exception, base classes get automatically destructed (since they were successfully constructed before the constructor body is entered). Thus ~B() gets called before the exception handler catches the exception.

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