I want to basically make a dashed circle matching values from 0-100. I don't want to get 10 different images representing a different 10 point increment. How can I do it?

enter image description here

Something like this

  • Tried UIBezierPath?
    – Undo
    Jun 14, 2013 at 2:27

3 Answers 3


While I'm not at home in iOS or Objective-C, the concept is universal.

The position of any point on a circle can be described as sin(angle)*radius,cos(angle)*radius. Therefore you can draw a circle like this yourself by following this concept (in pseudocode):

drawCircle(radius, borderWidth, dashDensity)
    int numberOfDashes = radius / dashDensity);
    float radsPerDash = pi * 2 / numberOfDashes;
    float innerRadius = radius - (borderWidth / 2);
    float outerRadius = radius + (borderWidth / 2);

    for(float angle = 0; angle < pi * 2; angle += radsPerDash)
        DrawLine(sin(angle)*innerRadius, cos(angle)*innerRadius,
                 sin(angle)*outerRadius, cos(angle)*outerRadius);

You should be able to get it to look like you want from here. You can of course also calculate dashDensity automatically from the radius using a magical constant, and use line width as you see fit for thicker dashes.

For a semi-circle (for example 85% filled), change the end condition of the loop:

for(float angle = 0; angle < (pi * 2 * 0.85); angle += radsPerDash)
  • Very helpful. However I ended up doing a custom bezier path. Then i set the color, line pattern (dash) and the fill accordingly to achieve this effect Jun 14, 2013 at 11:13

Make a custom subclass of UIView.

Override drawRect.

In it, you will use these functions:

  • UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext
  • CGContextBeginPath
  • some line drawing functions
  • CGContextClosePath
  • CGContextDrawPath

If you look up the documentation of those functions, you'll quickly find cross-references to the functions you need.


Sorry to say rtm here, but do it. Create the circle with CGPathCreateMutable and CGPathAddArc, then use CGPathCreateCopyByDashingPath. Done.

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