I have a service that holds tasks for my todo app. It has getActive() and getCompleted() methods that return an array with the active, and completed method respectively.

I want to show the number of compelted, active and total tasks. I was doing this with angular's $watch

$scope.active = tasks.getActive().length;
$scope.completed = tasks.getCompleted().length;

$scope.$watch(tasks.getActive, function() {
  $scope.active = tasks.getActive().length;

$scope.$watch(tasks.getCompleted, function() {
  $scope.completed = tasks.getCompleted().length;

It works fine, but it throws lot of errors to the console everytime I change a task state or I delete it.

Uncaught Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations:
  • The best approach to this for me has been to define something like getActiveLength() and getCompletedLength() and watch those functions instead. I believe that calling the function within a watch that's watching it will recursively trigger another watch.
    – Manny D
    Jun 21, 2013 at 15:36
  • You may want to check out the source code of the demo app @ todomvc.com/architecture-examples/angularjs-perf/#
    – Mike Pugh
    Jun 21, 2013 at 15:38

2 Answers 2


I think you don't need those watches. In AngularJS, most expressions in the view get updated on the fly, so you can use tasks.getCompleted().length directly, like:

$scope.active = function(){
    return tasks.getActive().length;
$scope.completed = function(){
    return tasks.getCompleted().length;

As for the 10 digests error, see Maxing out on $digest iterations.


I don't think you should call getActive and getCompleted again in your $watch callback, you can actually specify it as a function(newValue, oldValue) and have the new and old values without having to call the method again, which may result in a $digest loop.

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