I'm fairly new with JNI and I'm struggling with this problem.

I have a c++ callback being called by a network library (alljoyn).

In this callback, I need to call Java code.

Since this callback is in another thread, I use the following code to get a JNIEnv pointer :

(jvm being a global pointer)

JNIEnv *env = NULL;  
jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);

Problem is, when I try to call FindClass with this env pointer, the result is NULL.

If I do the exact same FindClass call within my main thread, everything works just fine.

How can I fix this ? Is this somehow related to the classpath ?


1 Answer 1


The answer and the official workaround can be found on developer.android. If you must go beyond pre-caching global references for all classes your native code might need, you will find a successful solution that caches the correct class loader here: FindClass from any thread in Android JNI

  • I had to cache the jclass / jobj and the memthodID as well but it works. Still a ugly hack.
    – Intrepidd
    Jul 12, 2013 at 7:34

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