I use the following Clojure code to wrap .ping from the riak-java-client. But I don't like being this blunt with exception catching:

(ns myapp.riak
  (:import [com.basho.riak.client IRiakClient]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(defn alive?
  "Is Riak client alive? Returns true or false, unlike `.ping`."
  [^IRiakClient client]
    (.ping client) true
    (catch Exception e false)))

I tried catching these:

  • com.basho.riak.client.RiakException
  • java.net.ConnectException
  • java.io.IOException

But none of these (alone or in combination) worked.

What am I doing wrong?

3:56 pm EDT update: I'm using RiakFactory/httpClient, in case it matters.

4:13 pm EDT update: One interesting aspect is the debugging process. While debugging, ConnectException showed up in the REPL. But RiakIORuntimeException -- part of a solution below -- did not show up. I wonder why not.

1 Answer 1


ping throws RiakException - https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/blob/master/src/main/java/com/basho/riak/client/DefaultRiakClient.java#L210

Next function works for me. I don't have riak installed and it returns false

(ns riak.core
  (:import [com.basho.riak.client IRiakClient RiakFactory RiakException]
           [com.basho.riak.client.http.response RiakIORuntimeException]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;; (def client (RiakFactory/pbcClient))
(def client (RiakFactory/httpClient))

(defn alive?
  "Is Riak client alive? Returns true or false, unlike `.ping`."
  [^IRiakClient client]
    (.ping client)
    (catch RiakException e false)
    (catch RiakIORuntimeException e false)))


riak.core> (alive? client)

UPDATE: Added RiakIORuntimeException case for httpClient


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