I want to pass values of my TextBox from Form1 to Form2.

And this message appear.

"Form that is not a top-level form cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Remove the form from any parent form before calling showDialog."

Here is my Code of Form1:

private void btnAddReceipt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        using (var Ticket = new frmCustomerTicket())
            Ticket.CustomerID = txtCustNo.Text;



Here is My Code in Form2

    public string CustomerID { get; set; }

    private void frmCustomerTicket_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        txtCustID.Text = CustomerID;        

  • Is it only one value that you are sending from one form to another.If it is only one textbox value why don't you use session variable like Session["txtValue"]=txtCustID.Text and access this session variable in Form2.
    – Gayatri
    Jul 12, 2013 at 5:03
  • @Gayatri, it sounds like its a winforms application so you wont be able to use Session Jul 12, 2013 at 6:48

4 Answers 4


Try this:

private void btnAddReceipt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    var Ticket = new frmCustomerTicket();
        Ticket.CustomerID = txtCustNo.Text;


Upate Remove the using block it will cause the Form2 element to dispose as soon as it falls out of scope.

  • When I click the button it still display the same Form. Jul 12, 2013 at 0:55
  • I guess I dont understand I thought the problem was you couldnt display the form.
    – Wjdavis5
    Jul 12, 2013 at 1:00
  • Are you calling ShowDialog() from a form that is a Dialog, or is it a top level form?
    – Wjdavis5
    Jul 12, 2013 at 1:04

Why don't you do it on the constructor? I mean you can have this on ur form 2:

public partial class MyForm: Form
   string myvar = string.Empty;
   public MyForm(string a)
      this.myvar = a;

and in your form1 you could have:

using (var Ticket = new frmCustomerTicket(txtCustNo.Text))

oh the click event of the button of first form do:

        Form2 F2 = new F2(this);

then in second form initialize the first form

    FormFirst F1 = new FormFirst();

    public From2(FormFirst form1)
        F1 = form1;
     textboxt2.text = F1.textbox.Text;

Don't forget to make the modifier of the textbox of first form to public


I think your problem is not about passing values between forms. I think it's about MDI Parent & Child forms. By definition, an MDI child form is not modal. Take a look at these links:

How can i make an MDI form inactive when child form is active
ShowDialog with MdiParent Issue
Call an Childform in MDIParent Form using ShowDialog()

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