I am extracting a page with Nokogiri which returns a Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet. From this, I would like to extract only the text from even nodes.

doc.search("h2 a").class #=> Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet
doc.search("h2 a").count #=> returns 148

I am interested in 0,2,4,8, etc.:

doc.search("h2 a")[0].text #=> the one I wanted.
doc.search("h2 a")[2].text #=> the one I wanted.

2 Answers 2


Try the below :

doc.search("h2 a").map.with_index(0) do |i,nd|
    i.text if nd.even?

Maybe you want every even-positioned a node:

doc.search("h2 a:nth-child(even)")

or perhaps you are looking for every other node over all:

doc.search("h2 a").select.with_index{|a, i| i.even?}

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