I have just (finally) started using sublime text 2, and I am liking it so far (apart from lack of intellisense / autocompletion :(, though tried codeintel but its not what I expected), I am moving from netbeans (can't afford to use it because of memory eating nature :(). Anyway My current issue is I don't know how I can use latest update of sublime text 2 (portable on windows), it kept prompting me about update and once I listened to it and it downloaded new version but there was no step involved in actually updating the existing version to new one instead I have another portable version with newer files, and my issue is i have install several plugins in the old version and I don't know how I can use those in this new version :(.

Note: It just started saying me this version has expired so thats why I am seeking help so I can use new version but with my already installed plugins (emmet, js minifier etc etc :().

I have googled alot but found no windows based guide which helps me solve my issue :(.

Thanks in advance.

  • You should be able to extract to the portable directory (as the location). I believe it will override the necessary files.
    – skuroda
    Jul 16, 2013 at 1:24
  • Yes you are right, but this way I have a chance of loosing configurations, preferences or settings I have on my current version :(.
    – Syed
    Jul 16, 2013 at 8:36
  • Unless you are modifying the built in packages, it should be fine. Well, just moving the data folder as MattDMo suggested also works. If you used package control to install packages, you can simply move the User folder (which contains Package Control.sublime-settings). Simply install package control on the new portable version and package control should grab any installed packages for you.
    – skuroda
    Jul 17, 2013 at 0:56
  • Will do as suggest on next update and see which works.
    – Syed
    Jul 17, 2013 at 8:36

1 Answer 1


Assume that your old version is installed in Sublime.old, and the new version in Sublime.new. Make sure Sublime Text 2 is closed, then move the Sublime.new\Data folder to someplace else (like your Desktop, for now), just in case anything breaks. Then, copy (don't move) the Sublime.old\Data folder to Sublime.new. Fire up the program and check to see that everything is there, and works properly. Please note that this method will not work when upgrading from ST2 to ST3, as there are major differences in the way plugins are run.

  • This method involves risk factor, as there are several files (folders) which comes with latest version and are also present in old version like (like inside packages folder, and Prestine Packages folder etc), though what I did is copied none existing projects (emmet, js minifier, etc etc) into my new version, but I am not sure how I can import old settings etc (I would like to move things as is apart from core files)
    – Syed
    Jul 16, 2013 at 8:43
  • @Syed There is no "risk factor", as the packages are all the same. Most of your settings should be stored in the Data/Packages/User folder, so you should move that to your new install location.
    – MattDMo
    Jul 16, 2013 at 12:56
  • Hmmmmm okay I will try this on next update and will let you know. (as I have moved files manually (long way :() already).
    – Syed
    Jul 17, 2013 at 8:35
  • as MattDMo already said, ther's no risk factor. Your settings resides under X:\something\SublimeText2\Data\Packages\User and default settings (I've done some changes there too) are under X:\something\SublimeText2\Data\Packages\Default. By saving those directories you prevent any preference's loss. Jul 18, 2013 at 8:14

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