After spending some time on Scala, I try to study on Akka project, find that '←' used instead of '<-' in Akka, my question is how to input '←' from keyboard, the symbol seems only can be used in Akka. Another question is that, if analyze the Akka source code, which IDE is the best suitable, I have tried Eclipse and IntelliJ, both are not good.

  • The akka team uses some non ASCII symbols, mostly for the different types of arrows. I believe if you set your IDE to use UTF 8 as the scala file encoding things should compile. Not sure how to enter the symbol from the keyboard though. Maybe it's something in eclipse to translate => and <- into their utf 8 counterparts.
    – cmbaxter
    Jul 21, 2013 at 11:43
  • I use eclipse and Eclipse does convert arrows. As @cmbaxter suggests, set the File encoding to UTF-8, then you are set. Go to General → Workspace → "Text file Encoding". I am not an IntelliJ user but I am very positive that it does support this too.
    – chauhraj
    Aug 31, 2016 at 23:30

1 Answer 1


Akka uses Scalariform in the build and that does the conversion between <- and ← automatically.

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