I'm using Netbeans 7.3.1 on a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.8.3.

I've installed the SCSS plugin. Until now, I've been using Windows (Mac is new to me), and the SCSS plugin worked fine on Netbeans and was able to auto-indent and format my SCSS files.

Now that I'm using Netbeans on a Mac, this plugin doens't seem to do the formatting.

I go to Source > Format (or CTRL-Shift-F), and the code spacing doesn't change.

  • I noticed an alert in the bottom right of Netbeans and found out that this bug has been reported (github.com/jmarsault/scss-editor/issues/19) to the plugin creator. If anyone knows a fix or a quick workaround, I'd appreciate it!
    – Ryan
    Jul 23, 2013 at 20:24

1 Answer 1


Or you can try 7.4 Beta with new support for editing and compiling Scss/Less files. Download link is on netbeans.org

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