I cloned the project from:


Then I followed the instructions which state:

Change directories into the chat directory and type sbt update ~jetty-run.

SBT fetches dependencies, and then I get this:

[error] Not a valid command: jetty-run
[error] Expected '/'
[error] Expected ':'
[error] Not a valid key: jetty-run (similar: run)
[error] jetty-run

Now what?


2 Answers 2


In versions of SBT newer than 0.10.0, ~jetty-run has been removed in favour of:

deployment // compiles the changes made while jetty is running.

You should've used sbt from the packaged archive (./sbt). Instead of a system-wide SBT (which may be new).

Anyway, I suggest to use use the new SBT and everything new, too. This is the official and good starting point for a project: https://github.com/lift/lift_25_sbt/ (personally I use it and I'm cool with how it works)

  • I did use the packaged ./sbt and it still failed.
    – user602525
    Jul 30, 2013 at 15:57

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