I need to create a query based on two tables and a third linking table shown below.

Letter_DBID   Letter_ID  
-------        ----- 
  1             Alpha  
  2             Beta  
  3             Delta    

Fruit_DBID      Fruit_ID 
-------          -----
  1             Apples  
  2             Oranges   
  3             Bananas

Linking table:
Letter_ID      Fruit_ID
-------         -----
 Alpha          Oranges
 Delta          Bananas
 Beta           Apples
 Alpha          Bananas

The DBIDs are unique primary keys, but the IDs are non-unique. I want to create a view based on these three tables that displays how the unique DBIDs relate to eachother. Something like this:

Letter_DBID   Fruit_DBID  
-------        -----  
  1            2  
  3            3  
  2            1    
  1            3

Where the DBIDs in the same row correspond to the IDs in the linking table.

Can anyone help me figure out a way to write this query or point me in the right direction?
I am using MS Access 2010

2 Answers 2


you need to do it with two LEFT JOINS :

 SELECT Letter_DBID ,  Fruit_DBID FROM linking
 left join table2 on table2.`Fruit_ID` = linking.`Fruit_ID`
 left join table1 on table1.`Letter_ID` = linking.`Letter_ID`


  • Very helpful, SELECT Letters.Letter_DBID , Fruits.Fruit_DBID FROM (linking left join Fruits on Fruits.Fruit_ID = linking.Fruit_ID) left join Letters on Letters.Letter_ID = linking.Letter_ID; Ended up doing the trick!
    – Jill
    Aug 6, 2013 at 20:35

As the IDs aren't unique, how are you wanting to handle the overlap? For instance, say we add FRUIT_DBID: 4 FRUIT_ID: Apples Do you want both, or just one to show up in the final view? (from your example data) Letter_DBID Fruit_DBID
------- -----
2 1 2 4

If you want just one, I don't think there is a way from the non-unique data. If both are acceptable, I'd do something like


    (Letters le LEFT JOIN Linking li
    ON le.Letter_ID = li.Letter_ID)
    LEFT JOIN Fruits f
    ON f.Fruit_ID=li.Fruit_ID

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