I know this sounds stupid, but I can't understand how to use async to handle existing asynchronous functions.

For example, consider some asynchronous function foo(arg1, arg2, ..., argN, callback) defined in some node module. Say I want to use this in async's waterfall(tasks,[callback]) function. How could I possibly do this?

//original call
foo(x1,x2,xN, function goo(err, res) {
    // do something 

//using async
   function(callback) {
       foo(x1,x2,...,xN, callback);
], function goo(err, res) {
   // do something

but I can't do that since callback needs to be called before the end of the function. Help?

1 Answer 1


Yup, what you have will work. callback just tells async, "I'm done, go to the next". You can also use async.apply to generate those little wrapper functions automatically:

  async.apply(foo, x1, x2, nX) //don't use callback, async will add it,
], function (error, finalResult) {});
  • Oh ok that works perfectly! I assumed from the documentation that the callback had to be invoked before the wrapper function ended
    – Colin
    Aug 13, 2013 at 5:22
  • Nope, it could be 10 layers deep for all async cares. And if it never gets called at all, async will just wait forever. Aug 13, 2013 at 5:25
  • Awesome! That does make things easy! Thanks for your time
    – Colin
    Aug 13, 2013 at 15:11

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