I want to select values from MySQL as follows

do_not_select = [1,2,3]

cursor = database.cursor() 
 cursor.executemany("""SELECT * FROM table_a WHERE id != %s""",(do_not_select))
data = cursor.fetchall()

The query return all the values in the db apart form the first id (1). I don't want it to select id 1,2 or 3 however.

Is this possible using the executemany command..?

1 Answer 1


Give NOT IN a go:

do_not_select = [1, 2, 3]

cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM table_a
                    WHERE id NOT IN ({}, {}, {})""".format(do_not_select[0],

I suspect (though I haven't tested this) that this would work better id do_not_select was a tuple, then I think you could just fire it straight into your query:

do_not_select = (1, 2, 3)
cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM table_a
                    WHERE id NOT IN {}""".format(do_not_select))

I'd be interested to know if this works - if you try it please let me know :)

  • This works if I type them but not if I feed them in using my do_not_select list....?
    – Jim
    Aug 17, 2013 at 23:58
  • you would need to unpack do_not_select into the conditional, I will update above
    – Nick Burns
    Aug 18, 2013 at 0:07
  • Really good that! I always used %s with some parameters instead of .format(). I'm gonna do that from now on. Jul 23, 2019 at 9:24

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