This is my code:

$html = 'Is this a question? Maybe.';
$old = 'question?';
$new = 'reply?';

$html =~ s/$old/$new/g;
print $html; exit;

Output is:

Is this a reply?? Maybe.

Desired output:

Is this a reply? Maybe.

What am I doing wrong?

3 Answers 3


Use quotemeta to escape the ?:

$html = 'Is this a question? Maybe.';
$old = quotemeta 'question?';
$new = 'reply?';

$html =~ s/$old/$new/g;
print $html; exit;

In regexes, the question mark is an operator meaning one or none. Therefore, we have to escape it:


Note that it isn't special in strings. Because interpolating random strings into regexes can have such unwanted effects, you should quotemeta them first.

  • Either by using the quotemeta function: $old = quotemeta "question?"
  • Or by using a \Q...\E region in the regex:


? has a special meaning in regular expressions. You just need to escape it in your pattern:

$old = 'question\?';

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