I have a javascript-file (lib.js) and I want to use some of the functions in an web page but I don't want to load the full lib.js.

However, I have not figured out how to do what I want. I want to use command line.


function dog() {
    return 'Fido';

function famous_human() {
    return 'Winston';

function human() {
    return famous_human();



Desired result, lib-compiled.js

function a() {return 'Winston';}function human() {return a();}
  • Function dog is removed since I don't use it.
  • Function famous_human is is optimized.
  • Function human has its original name since I want to call it from other code.
  • No code from code-calling-functions-in-lib.js


java -jar compiler.jar --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS --js lib.js --XXXXXXXX code-calling-functions-in-lib.js --js_output_file lib-compiled.js    

Is there a simple answer to my question?

1 Answer 1


You can export human:

function human() {
    return famous_human();

window['human'] = human;

More information on exports

Since exporting symbols blocks dead-code elimination, a best practice is to keep the project-specific exports in a separate file and not included in your library.


Library Source - liba.js

function dog() {
  return 'Fido';

function famous_human() {
  return 'Winston';

function human() {
  return famous_human();

Project Specific Exports - project_exports.js

window['human'] = human;

Compile command

java -jar compiler.jar \
  --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS \
  --js liba.js \
  --js project_exports.js \
  --js project_source.js \
  --js_output_file project_compiled.js
  • Ok, but can you be more specific? I might be really stupid but I do need an idiot proof example. I have read a lot and tried a lot of examples on this issue but I don't get it to work. Aug 27, 2013 at 17:42
  • Yes @user2473324 As a first try to get it working you can put that line in lib.js. Try it out on closure-compiler.appspot.com/home
    – Paul
    Aug 27, 2013 at 18:19
  • @user2473324 When I compile the three function from your question with that extra export line I get the result: window.human=function(){return"Winston"};, which would allow you to call human() from other scripts, since window is the global context.
    – Paul
    Aug 27, 2013 at 18:20
  • I believe @Chad Killingsworth is more familiar with Closure than me, so perhaps he could give some advice too.
    – Paul
    Aug 27, 2013 at 18:21
  • @user2473324 There is too much to explain in a comment, so I added the example to the answer. Aug 27, 2013 at 18:28

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