Hi i have written a query by which i can fetch posts,actor_id,comments and other columns required from stream table. But i want to fetch user's name also along with actor id and other columns in a single query. My queries is :

select message,created_time,actor_id,attachment,comments,created_time,impressions,likes,message,message_tags,place,share_count from stream where source_id in (any_page_id)

I want to add user's name also from user table along with this list of columns i am fetching from stream table in a single query so that i can handle it in a single json file. .

Also in comments we will get several user's id with comments as from_id. Can we get username for this from_id also. Is this possible, i know we cannot use join in FQL. Or i am missing something or in a wrong approach. Please help me out. Thanks in advance.


Now i am able to get actor_id and other fields of the post together along with user's name at the end in the same json using multi-query. Something similar to :

fql?q={"query1":"select+message,created_time,actor_id,attachment,comments,created_time,impressions,likes,message,message_tags,place,share_count+from+stream+where+source_id+in(any_page_id)","query2":"select uid,name from user where uid in (*#query1* "}

But now i am not able to get the user's name and user's id who are there in the comments of the post in the same json.

  • You have th3 complete comments object - which is an array of the users who have commented; what else you want? Sep 13, 2013 at 12:49
  • hi yeah i got the comments which is in a array, this array now contains user_ids, but i am not getting user_name. So is there any way around so that i can get user_names of those who have comented in the same json file. Sep 16, 2013 at 7:47
  • I dont think you could get that in the same JSON, you have to make a seperate call for that Sep 16, 2013 at 8:07
  • Yeah i also think the same. Thanks for replying. :) Sep 16, 2013 at 9:08


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