I did memcached implementation and identified objects moved to memcache, but I have some problems with get it from memcached. So in my application, (it is a reservation system) I can search and get the Result list ,but when I select hotel,or Flight, or Activity it says memdown, memcach error. I listed some codes and methods I used and pls help me to solve this problem.I really appreciate your help and thanks in advance.

My app is Struts mvc based. and I used below 3 methods in action files, and some jsp files. I did memcaching identified objects , using below methods.

private RezSession rezSession   = null;
    //Moving identified objects to memcached server
private void setToCache(String attributeName, Object value,HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
    rezSession = new RezSession();
    rezSession.setAttribute(attributeName, value, request);

private Object getFromCache(String attributeName, HttpServletRequest request)throws Exception {
    rezSession = new RezSession();
    return (Object) rezSession.getAttribute(attributeName,request);

private void removeFromCache(String attributeName, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception{
    rezSession = new RezSession();

Above methods redirect to Rezsession methods listed below. AbstractSessionObject is a interface , two of java classes implements it.

  1. CacheSessionImplementer.java
  2. HttpSessionImplementer.java

RezSession.java methods:-

public  void setAttribute(String key,Object value, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    try {
        //AbstractSessionObject abstractSessionObject = RezSessionFactory.getInstance().getAbstractSessionObject();
            logger.debug(">>> Setting +:- "+key + " Class:"+(value==null?null:value.getClass()));
        AbstractSessionObject abstractSessionObject = RezSessionFactory.getInstance().getSessionSpacificInstance(session);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.fatal("error from new setAttribute",e);

public  Object getAttribute(String key, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    try {   
        //AbstractSessionObject abstractSessionObject = RezSessionFactory.getInstance().getAbstractSessionObject();
        AbstractSessionObject abstractSessionObject = RezSessionFactory.getInstance().getSessionSpacificInstance(session);
        Object value = abstractSessionObject.getAttribute(request,key,null);
            logger.debug(">>> Getting +:- "+key + " Class:"+(value==null?null:value.getClass()));
        return value;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        request.setAttribute("MEMDOWN", "Y");
        logger.fatal("error from new getAttribute",e);
    return null;

public  void removeAttribute(String key, HttpServletRequest request) {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    try {

        AbstractSessionObject abstractSessionObject = RezSessionFactory.getInstance().getSessionSpacificInstance(session);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.debug("error from new removeAttribute",e);
  1. CacheSessionImplementer.java --Memcache implementer of AbstractSessionObject :::: this method Used for get from Memcached. Below code "public Object getAttribute(), CacheSessionImplementer.java" called from "public Object getAttribute(), RezSesion.java."

    public Object getAttribute(HttpServletRequest request,String key,Object additionalParam) throws Exception{
    SessionValueContainer sessionValueContainer = null;
    CacheResults cacheResults = null;
    String seqNo = "";
    if (null != request.getParameter("seqNo") 
            && !request.getParameter("seqNo").equals("") 
                && !request.getParameter("seqNo").equalsIgnoreCase("null")) {
        seqNo = request.getParameter("seqNo");
    } else if (null != request.getAttribute("seqNo")){
        seqNo = request.getAttribute("seqNo").toString();
    String requestString = getRequestString(request.getSession().getId(),seqNo);
    Object value = getCachedValue(key,requestString);
    return value;

    Here EngineFactory is selecting whihc caching engine should be select.

    private Object getCachedValue(String key, String requestString)
        throws Exception, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
        ClassNotFoundException {
    Object value = get(key, requestString);
    if (value != null && value instanceof String) {
        String new_mem_key = (String) value;
        // logger.debug("key ~>"+key+" --new_mem_key ~>"+new_mem_key);
        if ("MEM".equals(((String) value).split("#")[0])) {
            logger.debug("value before------------->" + value);// --getting
                                                                // values
                                                                // correctly---1
            value = factory.getCacheEngine(memCacheKey).getObject(
                    new_mem_key);// value is ok and redirect to
                                    // EngineFactory---2
            logger.debug("value After------------->" + value);// --getting
                                                                // null for
                                                                // value---3
            if (value == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("MEMDOWN");
    return value;

In my case , when I am selecting a hotel or flight or activity, in getCachedValue() method(Above one)

    logger.debug("value before------------->"+value);//-----------------------------getting values correctly---1
value = factory.getCacheEngine(memCacheKey).getObject(new_mem_key);//value is ok and redirect to EngineFactory---2
logger.debug("value After------------->"+value);//-------------------------------getting null for value---3

So I can't get values from Cache. I In my app, Moving fromsession to memcached server is fine but, getFromCache is stuck. So I ecpecting good solutions. Thank you.

1 Answer 1


Are those classes implement java.io.Serializable? You can keep only Serialized Objects in MemCache, as it stores the objects in Secondary Memory.

  • Thank you for your quick reply. Yes, I implemented java.io.Serializable in CacheSessionImplementer,RezSession,AbstractSessionObject and EngineFactory, and some main action classes. do I need to implement to all java classes which relted to memcache.
    – Nazoordeen
    Sep 16, 2013 at 8:27
  • Hi Nazoordeen. Are objects of these classes that you are storing is Memcached? Or are they different? I could see these classes are used to retrieve the data from Cache/Session. Sep 16, 2013 at 9:11
  • Hi Raghavendra, I am storing this at memcached, that process is working fine. but when I'm getting from memcached, then I am getting memdown error, and null value return. I'm retriving data from mecache using codes in CacheSessionImplementer.java. I updated above Question with the code block. once again thank you.
    – Nazoordeen
    Sep 17, 2013 at 6:06

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