I'm newbie to using the dynamic keyword in C#. It seems simple enough, but I can't seem to use it effectively.

I see this example from Facebook:

var client = new FacebookClient();
dynamic me = client.Get("totten");
string firstname = me.first_name;

it works fine, but if you look at me in a debugger, then you can see that client.Get() returns simple JSON. The same it's said in Facebook documentation:

The result of this request is a dynamic object containing various properties such as first_name, last_name, user name, etc. You can see the values of this request by browsing to http://graph.facebook.com/totten in your web browser. The JSON result is shown below.

I want to do the same dodge with returned JSON from Foursquare:

private static string GetReturnedUrlFromHttp(string url)
    HttpWebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;
    webRequest.Timeout = 10000;
    webRequest.Method = "GET";
    WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse();

    string responseStr = String.Empty;

    using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
        var r = new StreamReader(stream);
        responseStr = r.ReadToEnd();

    return responseStr;

public static void FillDataFromFoursquareUsingDynamic()
    string foursquare_url_detail = "https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/4b80718df964a520e57230e3?locale=en&client_id=XXX&client_secret=YYY&v=10102013";
    dynamic responseStr = GetReturnedUrlFromHttp(foursquare_url_detail);
    var response = responseStr.response;

I got the following error:

'string' does not contain a definition for 'response'

Why am I getting this error and is it possible to 'parse' any JSON string like in Facebook?


1 Answer 1


FacebookClient.Get doesn't really return the JSON string. Instead it parses the string into a dynamic object with properties matching the names of the values in the JSON string.

Using dynamic doesn't magically turn a string into an object with the properties defined in the string. Instead, you need to first parse the string with the help of a JSON library like JSON.NET.

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