All, As the title shows , If I have the code looks like below.

[DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint="#1")]
private static extern TwRC DSixfer( [In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr hbitmap );

How can I know what exactly the function does that #number represent for? Is there any tool to view the list of function like below?

#1 Afunction(...)
#2 Bfunction(...)
#3 Afunction(...)
#n Bfunction(...)



2 Answers 2


Two tools spring to mind:

  1. Dependency Walker.
  2. dumpbin from the MS tool set.

I like PE Explorer very much. Here's a look at twain_32.dll from its perspective:

enter image description here

The fact that it isn't free doesn't mean it's not worth the money. It also includes a 30 day trial and eventually you could look for free alternatives on the Internet.

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