I'm looking to create a user admin area and public profile page with custom URL in PHP. I have found a great tutorial on users creating their own private admin area. However, I'm struggling to find further guidance on the following:

  1. Creating a public custom URL (such as as website.com/username) based on what the user requested on signup.

  2. Using that custom URL to display public profile page with selected information the user entered into their private admin area.

I know this is bread and butter stuff but I'm leaning PHP so any guidance and best practices at this stage are very welcome.

Thanks, Jack.

1 Answer 1


You could try the following:

  1. Use mod_rewrite (assuming you have an Apache server) to forward all domain.com/abcde requests that don't match an existing file or directory (see -f condition) to domain.com/user.php?name=abcde
  2. In user.php, get all the data based on the user-chosen name from the database and display it, display an error message if no user is found.
  • Easy when you know - Thats exactly what I needed: a simple workflow to get me started. Sep 24, 2013 at 21:10

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