
I have 2 SQL Server tables that both have hundreds of columns.

A sample of table 1 is:

ID    ColA   ColC   ColD  ColF ...

A sample of table 2 is:

ID    ColB   ColE ...   

I need to join on column ID but then have the columns print out alphabetical. For right now I need the names of the columns in alphabetical order. I don't care about the data in each column yet.

So it should be:

ID  ColA  ColB  ColC  ColD  ColE  ColF ...
  • 1
    That doesn't matter and isn't your call
    – cdub
    Sep 24, 2013 at 21:12

1 Answer 1


You can use this to help build the query:

SELECT ',' + name 
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id IN (OBJECT_ID('Table1'),OBJECT_ID('Table2'))

Update: Dynamic SQL version (still have to plop table names in manually):

       ,@cols VARCHAR(MAX)
SET @cols = (SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + Name
                           FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Name
                                  FROM sys.columns
                                  WHERE object_id IN (OBJECT_ID('Table1'),OBJECT_ID('Table2'))
                                     AND Name <> 'ID'
                            ORDER BY name
                            FOR XML PATH('')        
                            ), 1, 1, '' ))
SET @sql = 'SELECT ' +@cols+'
            FROM Table1 a
            JOIN Table2 b
              ON a.ID = b.ID
EXEC (@sql)

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