I have to calculate the standard deviation using loops for a list. This is what I have:

elif user_option == 2:
  stdev= 0
  average = 0
  for val in scores_list:
    diffsquared= (val - average)**2
    sum_diffsquared= diffsquared + val
    stdev= ((sum_diffsquared)/num_scores)**(1/2)

I keep on getting the wrong number.

1 Answer 1


You have a couple of problems in your code. First, "sum_diffsquared" is being calculated outside of the loop. Secondly, you declare the average as 0. You need to calculate the average first.

import numpy
import scipy

stddev = 0
average = 0
scores = [0,1,2,3,4]
average = numpy.mean(scores) #or calculate it yourself
diffsquared = 0
sum_diffsquared = 0
for val in scores:
  diffsquared = (val-average)**2
  sum_diffsquared = diffsquared + sum_diffsquared
stddev = ((sum_diffsquared)/len(scores))**(1/2) # corrected

The output is:


Showing that the calculation is now correct.

  • What I did is I calculated the average in an elif statement before this elif statement. But for some reason it says that "average" is not defined
    – user300
    Sep 29, 2013 at 20:14
  • You must calculate the average before the corresponding 'if' statement. You should familiarize yourself with the concept of variable scopes ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scope_(computer_science) ). In short, your variable "average" is undefined for that 'elif' scope. If you declare "average" before your 'if/elif' statements, the variable will still be visible through all 'if/elif' scopes.
    – andrew
    Sep 29, 2013 at 21:34

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