I need to join two tables and get the output as i stated below, enter image description here

Here my problem is I couldn't inner join the two tables and get the output since it refers the same column name for team1 and team2 (Which will look like "select ct.teamname,ct2.teamname from clm_schedule cs" where it gives me an error). I can do it in two separate queries like below,

select ct.teamname as team1 from clm_schedule cs inner join clm_team ct on ct.teamid = cs.team1

select ct2.teamname as team2 from clm_schedule cs2 inner join clm_team ct2 on ct2.teamid = cs2.team2

But I couldn't join it to get a single resultset. Please suggest me a way.

1 Answer 1


You should be able to do this:

SELECT ct1.teamname as team1 ,ct2.teamname as team2 
FROM clm_schedule cs 
LEFT JOIN clm_team AS ct1 
  ON ct1.teamid = cs.team1
LEFT JOIN clm_team AS ct2
  ON ct2.teamid = cs.team2;
  • AgRizzo, I think you are right, but on the last line it should be "cs.team2" right? Oct 3, 2013 at 18:11
  • hehe :D thanks.. tried to edit it on your answer but it doesn't allow me to i guess Oct 3, 2013 at 18:13

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