I have these two tests under requests/pages_spec.rb


require 'spec_helper'

describe "Pages" do
    subject { page } 
    before { visit root_path }

    describe "Home page" do
        it { should have_selector('a', text: 'Post your property')}
        it { should have_link('Post your property', href: new_apartment_path)}

The first test passes and the second one fails saying :

expected link "Post your property" to return something

This is the html:

<a href="/en/apartment/new">Post your property</a>

Any idea why the test is failing? Thanks! Uri

  • Are you sure that new_apartment_path is set correctly? Being incorrect, the first test would pass and the second would fail as you see.
    – Justin Ko
    Oct 8, 2013 at 11:34
  • I have a :locale prefix to my urls. Maybe that's causing the problem? for instance, in order to user user_path i have to pass it as: user_path (:id => user.id) for it to work. I'm not sure how to do this workaround with the new_apartment_path though...
    – Uri Klar
    Oct 8, 2013 at 14:07
  • Could you run the test it { should have_link('Post your property', href: "/en/apartment/new")} to confirm the problem is the new_apartment_path?
    – Justin Ko
    Oct 8, 2013 at 14:40
  • the problem is indeed with the new_apartment_path. I'll post my solution. Thanks!
    – Uri Klar
    Oct 8, 2013 at 14:51

2 Answers 2


Maybe the context of your should have_link is wrong. You could test it by using save_and_open_page of the capybara gem like the following code and check the html at that testing point.

require 'spec_helper'

describe "Pages" do
    subject { page } 
    before { visit root_path }

    describe "Home page" do
        it { should have_selector('a', text: 'Post your property')}
        it { should have_link('Post your property', href: new_apartment_path)}

Thanks for the help! This is what ended up solving it:

The problem was with the named route new_apartment_path not being recognized because of i18n.

What solved it was adding the line:

let(:locale) { 'en' } 

and changing the test to:

it { should have_link('Post your property', href: new_apartment_path(locale))}

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