Well I am stuck into a problem. I have one VBscript script which I need to convert in C#.NET(VB.NET would also work). I am new into programming, not having much idea of how to do it? One traditional way is to write the same in C#. But I have little less time. is there any converter Or can someone just give me a start? Please suggest me from where I should start. It is actually a e-learning software name lectora and I need to pass values from lectora to my database.
Any help would be aprreciated. Thank you. Here is my VBscript Code.

Sample ASP Script
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Get the parameters posted from the test'
'Validate that this is actually from a Lectora test'
if testname="" Or score="" Or user="" Or numQuestions="" Or passingGrade="" then
 Response.Write "<html>"
 Response.Write "<head><title>Failure</title></head>"
Response.Write "<body>"
Response.Write "STATUS=500"
Response.Write "<br>"
Response.Write "Could not parse test results due to a parameter error."
Response.Write "</body></html>"
'Write the results to a file named the same as the test'
'This could be a database or any kind of object store, but'
'to keep it simple, we will just use a flat text file'
 fileName = "c:\" & testname & ".log"

'Open the results file for append'
 Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

 if not objFSO.FileExists(fileName) then
 end if

 Set objInFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile( fileName, ForAppending, True )

 'Write the results'
 objInFile.WriteLine( Date & ", " & Time & ", " & user & ", " & score )

  'Older courses produced by Lectora used a zero based index for the questions '
  '(i.e. Question0 is the first question)'
  'Newer courses are one based (i.e. Question1 is the first question)'
  'determine which one it is'
  Dim startIndex
  valTemp = Request.form("Question0")
  if( valTemp="" ) then
  end if

  'Write all of the questions and answers'
   for i = startIndex to cint(startIndex + numQuestions-1)
     nameQ = "Question" + CStr(i)
     nameA = "Answer" + CStr(i)
     valQ = Request.form(nameQ)
     valA = Request.form(nameA)
     objInFile.WriteLine( nameQ & ": " & valQ )
     objInFile.WriteLine( nameA & ": " & valA )

    'Close results file'
     Set objInFile = Nothing
      Set objFSO = Nothing
      end if 
  • Is it for WindowsOS or MacOS?
    – meMadhav
    Feb 15, 2019 at 13:00

1 Answer 1


I would copy the code directly into vb.net, then debug it. The majority of the code is compatible. Some things, such as Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") only require minor modifications: objFSO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject (although there are more modern ways to accomplish file io).

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