I have two models called Batch and User

Batch has the following

public $belongsTo = array(

    'Customer' => array(
        'className' => 'User',
        'foreignKey' => 'customer_id',
        'conditions' => array('Customer.group_id' => CUSTOMERS),
        'fields' => '',
        'order' => '', 

When I do the following:

$customers = $this->Batch->Customer->find('list');

I fully expected to get back just the users whose group_id matches CUSTOMERS. It returns ALL the records in the users table.

However, I actually have to write

$customers = $this->Batch->Customer->find('list', array('conditions' => array('Customer.group_id' => CUSTOMERS)));

Is there a way so that the chained model User knows that it is called as Customer by Batch and therefore automatically reads the correct conditions in the associations found in Batch model?

I want to make my code more readable hence the motivation for this question.

I want to write simply

$customers = $this->Batch->Customer->find('list');

or something similarly straightforward.

Of course, I realized that if I do the following:

$batches = $this->Batch->find('all');

The condition stated in the associations will be used. But I don't want to find batches. I want to find just customers.

I am using CakePHP 2.4

2 Answers 2


I think you can't

but you can create custom find types in User model file

public $findMethods = array('customer' =>  true); //this enable a custom find method named 'customer'

protected function _findCustomer($state, $query, $results = array()) {
        if ($state === 'before') {
            $query['conditions'] = array('group_id' => CUSTOMERS);
        return parent::_findList($state, $query, $results);

and in BatchesController


There are several ways to do this.


do nothing.

Continue to use code like

$customers = $this->Batch->Customer->find('list', array('conditions' => array('Customer.group_id' => CUSTOMERS)));


create a custom find method as suggested by arilia.


write a getCustomers method inside Batch model

where it looks something like this:

public function getCustomers($type, $query = array()) { 
    if (empty($query['conditions'])) {
        $query['conditions'] = array();
    $query['conditions'] = array_merge($query['conditions'], array('Customer.group_id' => CUSTOMERS));
    return $this->Customer->find($type, $query);

then you can call

$customers = $this->Batch->getCustomers('list');


I have written a Plugin that helps with this kind of behavior, utilizing the 3rd solution.

 class Batch extends AppModel { 
   public $name = 'Batch'; 

   public $actsAs = array('UtilityBehaviors.GetAssoc'); 
   public $belongsTo = array(
      'Customer' => array(
           'className' => 'User',
           'foreignKey' => 'customer_id',
           'conditions' => array('Customer.group_id' => 7),
           'fields' => '',
           'order' => '', 

You can fetch just the customer data when you are in BatchesController this way:

 $customers = $this->Batch->getAssoc('Customer', 'list');
 $customers = $this->Batch->getAssoc('Customer', 'all');
 $customerCount = $this->Batch->getAssoc('Customer', 'count');

This behavior has tests at travis and you can read about the tests written at github.

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