Further to my previous post about when/where to dynamically add items to a playlist, it appears that the jPlayer ready event handler function is not available when the Playlist add-on is used, as can be seen by a simple example:

$(function () {
        var MyPlayList = new jPlayerPlaylist({
            jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_1",
            cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_1"
        }, [], {
            smoothPlayBar: true,
            supplied: "mp3"
            ready: function () {

Whether this is because the event is not raised or because the jPlayer object is 'wrapped' by the PlayList is not clear, but either way it seems like a fairly fundamental restriction if this is indeed the case and there is no other way of achieving the same.

2 Answers 2


You could try this :

    $("#jplayer_id").bind($.jPlayer.event.loadeddata, function(event) { 
        // do stuff

Actually, $.jPlayer.event.ready it is more appropriate.

$("#jplayer_id").bind($.jPlayer.event.ready, function(event) { 
        // do stuff

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