Im trying to build a web gui for a canon eos 7d using node.js (0.10.20), libgphoto2 (2.5.2.) and gphoto2 module for node on a Raspberry Pi (latest raspbian).

Everything seems to work fine except for saving the files in node.

im using the following code snippet:

app.get('/shoot', function(req, res){
    camera.takePicture({download:true}, function(er, data){

        res.header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg');

        fs.writeFile("public/images/sampleImg.jpg", data);

The file created is unreadable/not a valid jpg image

using the cli tool for libgphoto creates a valid image:

pi@raspi /srv/node/eos $ gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download

so i assume the error is somewhere in the node-code for saving data

how would i properly save the data in node to a .jpg file?


1 Answer 1


I am working on something very similar. I seem to remember needing to specify that the data from the camera was binary, something like:

app.get('/shoot', function(req, res){
    camera.takePicture({download:true}, function(er, data){
        res.header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg');
        res.send(new Buffer(data, 'binary'));
            new Buffer(data, 'binary'),
            function (err){}

Shoot me an email if you want to collaborate.

http://tonyspiro.com/uploading-and-resizing-an-image-using-node-js/ http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2011-May/004270.html

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