I have to download a file to remote file via ssh using java/groovy like this

process = "ssh sudo wget http://webserver.com/file.zip".execute()

how can i control or known when file is complete downloaded or error occurrence and response to process ?

1 Answer 1


You could try this:

@Grab( 'org.apache.ant:ant-jsch:1.9.2' )
@Grab( 'com.jcraft:jsch:0.1.50' )

def doExec( host, uid, pwd, cmd ) {
    new AntBuilder().with {
        // Turn off logging
        project.buildListeners.firstElement().messageOutputLevel = 0

        // Execute command
        sshexec( host           : host,
                 username       : uid, 
                 password       : pwd,
                 command        : cmd,
                 outputproperty : 'result' )

        // Return output         

println doExec( '',
                'sudo wget http://webserver.com/file.zip' )

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