I am a beginner in C# and trying my hands on inheritance. ClassA is base class and classB and classC are derived from classA. My Program class has static method Show(). At first I was not sure whether I will be returning an objectB or objectC. So I did not know what should be return type of method Show(). Setting return type to base class i.e classA solved my problem at first, but when i tried to access MyMethod in Main it throws error because MyMethod is declared abstract in classA. How can I call MyMethod on my returned object?

abstract class classA
    protected abstract void MyMethod();
    // other fields and methods

class classB: classA
    protected override MyMethod()

class classC: classA
protected override MyMethod()

class Program
    public static classA Show()
                { //logic
                return objectB;  //objectB is instantiated from classB
                return objectC;  //objectC is instantiated from classC

    static void Main(string[] args)
         ClassA myObject = Show();
  • Change MyMethod to public.
    – Aron
    Oct 31, 2013 at 1:04

1 Answer 1


You should make the MyMethod public.

abstract class classA
    public abstract void MyMethod();
    // other fields and methods

internal class classB : classA
    public override void MyMethod()

internal class classC : classA
    public override void MyMethod()

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