I have the below snippets from my code where I am trying to use a dynamically allocated char * array to hold strings coming from stdin.

char **reference
reference = calloc(CHUNK, sizeof(char *));

I am using a temporary static array to first store the string from stdin, then based on a certain condition copy it to the array of char * . I am allocating memory to individual char * in runtime.

                        reference[no_of_ref]=malloc(strlen(temp_in) + 1);
//                   printf(" in temp : %s , Value : %s   , Address of charp : %p\n",temp_in,reference[no_of_ref-1],reference[no_of_ref-1]);
                        pre_pip = -1;

        /*If allocated buffer is at brim, extend it by CHUNK bytes*/
                if(no_of_ref == CHUNK - 2)
                        realloc(reference,no_of_ref + CHUNK);

so no_of_ref holds the total number of strings finally received. e.g 20. But when I print the whole reference array to see each string, I get the same string that came last , getting printed 20 times.

1 Answer 1


Here of your code introduces the problem:

reference[no_of_ref]=malloc(strlen(temp_in) + 1);

That's because assignment of pointers in C affects pointers and only pointers, which won't do anything with its contents. You shall use things like memcpy or strcpy:

reference[no_of_ref]=malloc(strlen(temp_in) + 1);
strcpy(reference[no_of_ref], temp_in);
  • Bahh... This is something I am aware of, and still forget everytime I work with char * copying. Thanks for reminding again..!! Nov 4, 2013 at 4:13
  • @DiwakarSharma it's quite a pleasure to help :)
    – starrify
    Nov 4, 2013 at 4:14

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