I've been coding a chat program that uses System.Net. I also have a config XML file I put in %appdata%\.ilan, but when I want to declare a new XDocument type variable, Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 doesn't recognize it as a variable, and when I finish the entire variable it says get or set accessor expected. I have made a different program in the same Studio that uses XDocument, and it works there!
I have System.Xml; and System.Xml.Linq; at the top, so I have no idea what's wrong with my code:

public void DefaultXML
    XDocument doc = new XDocument(
    new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
    new XComment(" - IlanChat Settings File - "),
    new XElement("settings",
        new XElement("nick", "User")));

I have compared it to my previous program and the syntax is the same.

1 Answer 1


You forgot to put parentheses after the method name:

public void DefaultXML()   // <--

Without the parentheses, the IDE thinks you're declaring a property instead of a method. That's why it thinks you're missing a get or set accessor.

  • Oh dear, I wonder why my IDE hasn't told me.. And @gunr my code is horrible but it works! I'm just a beginner, started learning a month ago :)
    – Ilan
    Nov 7, 2013 at 18:11

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