Hope you ok expert!! I just want to know whats wrong with my table, I created table 'table1' by using php with the following instruction.

        // use mysql connect

    $num="create table table1
     (student_id int primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
       name varchar (10) NOT NULL,
          math varchar (20) NOT NULL,
          english varchar (10) NOT NULL,
     date DATE,
      month DATE,
         year DATE )";


My question is why? when am input date,month,year it show something like this

    student_id name   math  english date       month        year
    1          simon  100   100     0000-00-00  0000-00-00  0000-00-00

And I expect this to be

    student_id name   math  english date  month   year
    1          simon  100   100     1     March   2013

Like this may be.

    // use mysql connect

$num="create table table1
 (student_id int primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   name varchar (10) NOT NULL,
      math varchar (20) NOT NULL,
      english varchar (10) NOT NULL,
 date DATE strtotime,
  month DATE strtotime,
     year DATE strtotime)";


2 Answers 2


Because you told it to store a date?

Dates are stored in the format YYYY-MM-DD. You then use PHP's strtotime to convert to a UNIX timestamp, then date to output it in the format of your choice (something like d/M/Y for "1/Mar/2013")

  • Ok, So may i put strtotime after the date eg DATE strtotime or?
    – Haika
    Nov 8, 2013 at 1:24
  • I said PHP's strtotime. That means you call strtotime() in PHP... Nov 8, 2013 at 9:00

You only need one DATE column in your table to store the century+year, month and day components.

To extract those components into separate columns,

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(mydatecol,'%M') AS month_name
     , DATE_FORMAT(mydatecol,'%e') AS day_of_month
     , DATE_FORMAT(mydatecol,'%Y') AS year
  FROM ... 

To insert a date value

INSERT INTO ... (..., mydatecol, ... ) VALUES (... ,'2013-03-01', ... )



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