I'm writing an app to deploy on our machines to force the user to enter statistics about h323 video use.

I want to get a maximum of information without asking the user, I'm having some trouble getting the remote IP address for point-to-point connection using a gatekeeper (no TCP connection to the remote IP).

I thought multiple apps could read the same UDP, but I get a socketException when I try to read the proper port. I'm using a UDPClient and get the error when I try to create the client on an active port.

Any suggestion on how to do this without having to install WinPcap and use pcap.net ?


  • Are you all on the same internal network? Nov 8, 2013 at 4:46

1 Answer 1


You are probably getting the address already in use exception? To allow multiple UDPClients to use the same port set the ExclusiveAddressUse property to false:

myUdpClient.ExclusiveAddressUse = false;

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