i want to ask a very simple question.
A simple c++ code to compute factorial of any number is as following:

cout<<fctrl<<"! = "<<rslt;

A sample run of fctrl=4, the output is like this "4!=24"
I don't want it that way, instead i want it to print like this "4x3x2x1=24"

Can somebody help me please??

2 Answers 2


You could just modify your loop:

for(int q = factrl; q >= 1; q--){
    rslt = rslt * q;
    cout << q;
    if(q != 1) cout << "x";
cout << "=" << rslt << endl;

First, you don't have recursive algorithm - this is iterative solution.

To achive what you want, just output the current loop variable inside it:


   // output q
   cout << q;
   if(q != 1)
       cout << "x";
cout<<" = "<<rslt;

The condition if(q != 1) is there to prevent from writing an extra x at the end of the statement.

  • 1
    oh, so that's the story... i 've tried like this before but it keeps prompting the exrra x at the end. btw thanks a lot brother
    – Mu Az
    Nov 10, 2013 at 14:55

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