I have a function myfunc defined in a source file myfunc.c and declared in a header file myfunc.h. Both these files are part of a library.

In another project's (projA) source file, I am including the header file as:

#include "myfunc.h"

and using the function correctly (number of parameters, order, etc).

I've edited the Makefile so it has the path to myfunc.h in it's list of includes (-I).

However, I am still getting a warning about implicit declaration. Since projA has warning = error set, it fails on compilation.

Note: this is not an eclipse issue as here, or a missing header as here, or an undeclared function.


int myfunc(char * source, size_t source_len, char * dest, size_t dest_len)
    // manipulation
    strncpy(dest, source, dest_len);
    // other stuff
  • 1
    Can you show us your function? Nov 12, 2013 at 19:55
  • Take a look at this gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Ifdef.html You may need to add this in to your Header files Nov 12, 2013 at 19:55
  • @EyeOfTheHawks thanks! Can you put your answer in the answer sections please? I will accept it. Someone decided to have the same MACRO for two different headers, and the one I wanted was not getting included. Sigh
    – Sagar
    Nov 12, 2013 at 20:04
  • @TonyTheLion adding the function declaration anyway...
    – Sagar
    Nov 12, 2013 at 20:05
  • @Sagar There ya go, added it as an answer Nov 12, 2013 at 20:07

1 Answer 1


Take a look at this https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Ifdef.html
You may need to add this in to your Header files to avoid duplicate inclusion

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