I wish to have the contents of an entire file evaluated in node - in this case, the angular.js source file.

the code should look something like this:

jsdom = require("jsdom").jsdom;
document = jsdom("<html><head></head><body>hello world</body></html>");
window = document.parentWindow;
navigator = window.navigator;
(eval-file "angular.js")
angular = window.angular;

what would be the best way to write the eval-file function so that it blocks until angular.js is loaded and then continues

2 Answers 2


You can simply require it -- require("angular.js");.

  • I tried it and it didn't work... it gave the error 'module not found'
    – zcaudate
    Nov 17, 2013 at 11:59
  • You would need to set up anything else you need (e.g. window) before requiring the file. Nov 17, 2013 at 12:02
  • Yeah.. I did that... I replaced the last two lines of my answer with require and it did not work
    – zcaudate
    Nov 17, 2013 at 21:22

In the end, I did this:

jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom;
document = jsdom('<html><head></head><body>hello world</body></html>');        
window = document.parentWindow;
navigator = window.navigator;      
fs = require('fs');
angular_file = fs.readFileSync('angular.js', 'utf-8');

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