I have this piece of jQuery I created:


            $("a img").click(function() {
               $("<div id=\"overlay\"></div>").hide().prependTo("body").fadeIn(100);

                    'overflow': 'hidden'

            $("#overlay").on("click", function() {


When I click an img inside an anchor tag, the overlay div appears. But now, after the overlay div has appeared I want to make it disappear (remove from the page) when I click on it.

I tried the above code, but it somehow doesn't work. Also the overlay div occupies the entire viewport of the browser, if that is of any help.

Can somebody help me out on this?

1 Answer 1


You need to delegate to an element that exists before the document ready event. Overlay does not.

jQuery('body').on('click','#overlay'.function() {

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