I have a function in which puts data into a struct. My struct looks like this:

 typedef struct vertex_tag{
    int visited;
    double weight;
    int prev;

I initialize it like this;

vertex_t * vertex[G->vertices];
    for(i=0; i < G->vertices; i++)
        vertex[i] = (vertex_t*)malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
        vertex[i]->weight = FLT_MAX;
        vertex[i]->visited = 0;

It goes through the function putting data into the array, weight, visited and prev.

My question is, how do I get those values in my main function? Would I create another

vertex * vertex[]

In my main then set it equal to what I return?

Any thoughts?

  • In C, don't cast the malloc. It's not necessary and you might hide a missing declaration warning if you forget to include stdlib.h. Nov 21, 2013 at 17:50

2 Answers 2


Allocating on the heap:

You should use malloc to create your array. Otherwise, you create the array on the stack and you can't return it. If you return the address of your array, the data may be corrupted.


vertex_t * vertex[G->vertices];


vertex_t ** vertex = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t*) * G->vertices);

And return vertex which is of type vertex_t **.

An array of vertex_t instead of an array of pointers:

Also, it is not the question but I'm wondering why are you using an array of pointers. You could change your code like that:

vertex_t * vertex = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t) * G->vertices);
for(i=0; i < G->vertices; i++)
    vertex[i].weight = FLT_MAX;
    vertex[i].visited = 0;

And return vertex, of type vertex_t * (an array of vertex_t). If you need the address of an element in that array, you can still do &vertex[i].

Both approaches would work but in your solution, you do extra memory allocations which use more memory, it's slower and you'll need to free that memory at some point. At a hardware point of view, you'll also do more cache misses leading to a slower code if you frequently iterate over all the array.

The only usage would be if you have vertices created by another function and you don't want to copy the data in your array.

I'd suggest you to draw the 2 solutions: one is an array with big cells and the other is an array with pointers to individual cells.

  • Okay and when I return my function how do I get it in my main? Do I set it to another vertex_t?
    – user081608
    Nov 21, 2013 at 17:28
  • vertex_t ** vertex_in_main = my_function(with any args) Nov 21, 2013 at 17:28
  • Okay perfect! That will also keep my vertex[]->weight values as well correct?
    – user081608
    Nov 21, 2013 at 17:29
  • Yes. But why are you using an array of vertex_t * and not directly an array of vertex_t? Nov 21, 2013 at 17:31
  • You mean like vertex_t vertex instead of vertex_t * vertex?
    – user081608
    Nov 21, 2013 at 17:33

Since vertex is an array, you can not return an array from a function. Either you have to...

1. return the pointer to the array from the function 
2. Put the `vertex` array in a structure and return the structure.
  • Returning the address of the array vertex which is allocated on the stack would be a problem. The array needs to be malloc'ed. Nov 21, 2013 at 17:36

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