I am developing a silverlight application using the ESRI Gis map. I have it setup to when I move a marker around, it changes the Longitude,Latitude of the marker and I update a label. I am using this code:

        HtmlElement eleLbl = doc.GetElementById("lblGISLocation");
        if (eleLbl != null)
            eleLbl.SetAttribute("innerHTML", latlng.X.ToString() + "," + latlng.Y.ToString());

This works fine on a PC in all browsers. This is the result I get from Firefox on a PC:

<span id="lblGISLocation">-122.304918344379,47.3867897587541</span>

But the same code running on a Mac using either Firefox, Safari or Chrome gives this result:

<span innerhtml="-122.288384409929,47.3832784255738" id="lblGISLocation">0,0</span>

Any Ideas on how I can make this work in either machine?

1 Answer 1


Try using the SetProperty method of the HtmlElement:

HtmlElement eleLbl = doc.GetElementById("lblGISLocation");
if (eleLbl != null)
    eleLbl.SetProperty("innerHTML", latlng.X.ToString() + "," + latlng.Y.ToString());
  • There is no InnerHTML property or method on an HtmlElement object. Nov 24, 2013 at 19:11
  • @BitcoSoftware you are right... I was confused with another kind of HtmlElement. I edited my answer.
    – Alberto
    Nov 24, 2013 at 19:15

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