I need to solve a non linear equation involving one variable in variable.
e.g. f(x)=x^1.9+(1-x)*(1-2*x)-1.2545=0

However, there is small complication. The equation also involves one parameter say t and I need to solve the equation for various values of t which I have defined in a vector.

solution=[solutions for each value of t]

How do I go about this? I have considered concating a string and then building an inline function out of it and then using fsolve. But I think that's not the best way.

1 Answer 1


You can pass parameters into the objective function using anonymous functions.
First define an objective function that takes two arguments x and t

 myFun = @( x, t ) t.*x.^1.9 + ( 1 - x ).*( 1 - 2 * x ) + 52.25*t;

Now you can change t each time:

 ts = 0.1:0.1:5;
 for ti = 1:numel(ts)
     t = ts(ti); % current value for t
     solution(ti) = fsolve( @(x) myFun( x, t ), x0 );

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