I'm trying to create a list in a class named 'Advisers' that would hold a list of students who are advised by 1 instance of an adviser. I have a student class created, and have no trouble there, but I get errors in my adviser class on runtime.

class Advisers
    private string _Fname;
    private string _Lname;
    private string _Department;
    private List<Student> _StudentsAdvised;   

    public Advisers()
        _Fname = "";
        _Lname = "";
        _Department = "";
        _StudentsAdvised = null;

    public void AddToList(Student newStudent)

    public List<Student> StudentsAdvised
        get { return _StudentsAdvised; }
        set { _StudentsAdvised = value; }

    public string FirstName
        get { return _Fname; }
        set { _Fname = value; }

    public string LastName
        get { return _Lname; }
        set { _Lname = value; }

    public string Department
        get { return _Department; }
        set { _Department = value; }

The AddToList method is what I call in the main form to add an instance of a student to the StudentsAdvised list held in the Adviser class.

private void stuAssignAdviBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int stuIndex = stuLstbox.SelectedIndex;
        int advIndex = adviListBox.SelectedIndex;

        if (stuLstbox.SelectedIndex != -1 && adviListBox.SelectedIndex != -1)
            string AdvLastName = AdviserList[advIndex].LastName;
            StudentList[stuIndex].AdviserLastName = AdvLastName;

            MessageBox.Show("Select 1 student and 1 adviser.");

The error messages comes up in the Adviser class here:

public void AddToList(Student newStudent)

How can I do this?

  • 1
    wouln't they be advisees?
    – Jodrell
    Nov 26, 2013 at 16:38
  • 1
    change _StudentsAdvised = null; in your constructor to _StudentsAdvised = new List<Student>(); Nov 26, 2013 at 16:39
  • the List could be BindingList...at least...or derive a class from bindinglist<Student>(or a generic one) with the proper implementations you need then in your adviser class use that derived from bindinglist class to hold the information... Nov 26, 2013 at 16:50

2 Answers 2


I dont see you initializing your List<Student> _StudentsAdvised anywhere

you could do that in the class constructor

public Advisers()
    _Fname = "";
    _Lname = "";
    _Department = "";
    _StudentsAdvised = new List<Student>();
  • 1
    agreed - you are NOT newing up your collection in the constructor. you are just making it null thus throws a nullReferenceException when you try to use that object Nov 26, 2013 at 16:39
  • 1
    My (noob) understanding of the constructor was that it initializes the values. I wanted to start the list empty, which is why I set it to null. This worked though, thank you!
    – cjharty
    Nov 26, 2013 at 16:54


public class Advisess : List<Student>
    private readonly Advisor advisor;

    private Advisess()

    public (IEnumerable<Student> adivsees, Advisor advisor)
        : base(advisees)
        this.advisor = advisor;

    public (Advisor advisor)
        this.advisor = advisor;

    public Advisor Advisor
            return this.advisor;

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