For some reason I have a string like this:

"id: 123, title: something, category: science, ... "

To make a javascript object containing the key-value pairs I wrote the following method:

function stringToMap(stringToCut){
    var map = {};
    var listOfPairs = stringToCut.split(",");
    for(var i = 0; i < listOfPairs.length; i++){
        var pair = listOfPairs[i].split(":");
        map[pair[0]] = pair[1];

    return map;


it's important to access it with dot, not with [] brackets. In chrome debug mode I see the expected object, but when I want to access one of it's element, like:


I get undefined...

What Am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


It's because there's a space in your key name:

console.log(obj[" title"]); // "something"

To fix this, change your first split to split on ", " instead of just ",":

var listOfPairs = stringToCut.split(", ");

JSFiddle demo.

As a further fix, you'll also want to change your second split to split on ": " rather than just ":", otherwise all your values will begin with spaces.

var pair = listOfPairs[i].split(": ");
  • Mind the space in the beginning. console.log(obj["title"].trim()); Nov 27, 2013 at 9:46
  • Indeed, that space was the problem. Thanks a lot!
    – galso
    Nov 27, 2013 at 9:54

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