This is a valid url



but this is not



How can I block URL2 and the ones containing a string of format "-1%27" and invalidate the request. It's an automated bot sending this request so basically I want to just block the request in probably Global.asax? Please advise.

2 Answers 2


Well, those are both perfectly valid URLs. Your "URL2" is simply percent-encoded. Since 0x27 is an ASCII apostrophe, your percent-encoded URL2s are exactly the same as

  • http://www.itsmywebsite.com/showproduct.aspx?id=-1'
  • http://www.itsmywebsite.com/browseproduct.aspx?catid=-1'

Perhaps your web page should be validating the data it receives on the query string and throwing an error.

  • Wow never thought of that. Experience matters! How do I then block any url that starts with -1. The problem with handling these url's is my HealthMonitoring kicks in and my aspnet_WebEvent_Events table is full of "An unhandled exception has occurred." errors because of these url's
    – CuriousDev
    Nov 28, 2013 at 0:32

Which version of iis are you using? If 7.0 or later use the URL rewrite module to reject invalid urls such as those ending in =-1

See an example blocking domains ( regex patterns ) here: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/BlockingImageHotlinkingLeechingAndEvilSploggersWithIISUrlRewrite.aspx

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